歌詞:Put your hands up!!!(DEXPISTOLS REMIX), 歌手:w-inds., 專輯:MOVE LIKE THIS, 時間:2012/07
Oh no! You stealing my heart! 君のせいで
Oh no! 手につかないのさ何も
Oh no! そのしぐさ、その全て oh!
たまらない! I gotta have you all tonight
感じな beat it!
さぁ来な get in!
Come here with me
In a count 1,2,3
I got my 手錠(てじょう)
If you\'re , 犯人, Then, I\'ll be your side
And, 指名手配(しめいてはい) nice
Baby, it\'s just YOU&I...
Let\'s start it! Let\'s pump it, if you ready!
(Gimme some, girl!)Run that body!!!
(Gimme some, now!)Not somebody!!!
(I want you, girl!)放さない!!!
Put your hands up!!!
(Gimme some, girl!)Run that body!!!
(Gimme some, now!)Shake your body!!!
So, put your hands up!!!
Oh no! You breaking the rules! その瞳
Oh no! 刺激的(しげきてき)過ぎ\'違反(いはん)\'さ
Oh no! そのシルエット逃がす度 oh!
熱くなる You know the 搜查(そうだ) is hot tonight!
さあ見な feel it!
I know you need it!
踏みな step
N\'to the left, right, left
My 罠 is real
I 揺さぶる your deep inside
And, 誘導尋問(ゆうどうじんもん) baby
You know? t\'s iust YOU&I...
Let\'s start it! Just show me, if you ready!
(Gimme some, girl!)Run that body!!!
(Gimme some, now!)Not somebody!!!
(I want you, girl!)放さない!!!
Put your hands up!!!
(Gimme some, girl!)Run that body!!!
(Gimme some, now!)Shake your body!!!
So, put your hands up!!!
Let\'s start it! Let\'s pump it, if you ready!
(Gimme some, girl!)Run that body!!!
(Gimme some, now!)Not somebody!!!
(I want you, girl!)放さない!!!
Put your hands up!!!
(Gimme some, girl!)Run that body!!!
(Gimme some, now!)Shake your body!!!
So, put your hands up!!!
- 感謝 S.K. 提供歌詞