歌詞:Kriss Kross, 歌手:guiLLeMoTs, 專輯:Red, 時間:2008/03
When the moon\'s in the sky I like it
When the moon\'s in the sky we like it
It\'s not gonna give us bad advice
So go and dance with your thunder and lightning
Where the paradise birds are fighting
Let\'s shake things up a bit tonight
Are you coming out tonight?
Are you coming out tonight?
Cos we\'re going out tonight
And we won\'t be cattle on your farm tonight
Ask yourself why
Come on, ask your man why
Cos you\'re ugly and you lie
And you kriss kross kriss kross
It\'s a lie
So bye bye bye bye bye bye
Are you coming out tonight?
Well come out with us tonight
Cos this world after is right
And we know which one we are tonight
Ah don\'t start crying now
Don\'t go crying now
Cos the moon is gonna dance for us tonight
Don\'t go dying now
You\'re not dying now
And the sky is just not close to us tonight
And as for you, friend
High in your high home
Watching us all falling down like rain
I hope you\'re happy
Feel really holy
Cos your godliness has taken every single thing
I loved on earth tonight
Oh I won\'t let you leave me
You\'re all I\'ve got, believe me
Don\'t close your eyes
Nobody really dies
They all just end up in the sky
So far away
Guillemots - Kriss Kross (Online Exclusive)
Music video by Guillemots performing Kriss Kross. (C) 2008 Polydor Ltd. (UK)
GuILLeMotS kRiSS krOss
vIdeo bY mCloRDmaGraO
Guillemots - Kriss Kross
Guillemots - Kriss Kross [NEW] Sorry for the quality, and the weird picture lol