歌詞:Me And Mrs. Jones, 歌手:Russell Watson(羅素華生), 專輯:蓄勢待發(People Get Ready), 時間:2009/07
Me and Mrs. Jones
We got a thing going on
We both know that it\'s wrong
But it\'s much too strong
To let it go now
We meet every day at the same cafe
Six-thirty and no one knows she\'ll be there
Holding hands, making all kinds of plans
While the juke box plays our favorite songs
Me and Mrs. Jones
We got a thing going on
We both know that it\'s wrong
But it\'s much too strong
To let it go now
We gotta be extra careful
That we don\'t build our hopes up too high
\'Cause she\'s got her own obligations
And so do I
Me and Mrs. Jones
We got a thing going on
We both know that it\'s wrong
But it\'s much too strong
To let it go now
Well, it\'s time for us to be leaving
And it hurts so much, it hurts so much inside
And now she\'ll go her way and I\'ll go mine
But tomorrow we\'ll meet
The same place, the same time
Me and Mrs. Jones
Same place
We both know that it\'s wrong
Same time
Every day at the same cafe
Same place
We got a thing going on
We know it\'s wrong
Same time
Adventure 03 - The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
afgedank van binne die kamer. Ek sou graag Mrs King, die kok weer te sien. Jy het gesê, Mrs King, dat jy deur \'n harde ontploffing wakker was. As ...
Part 1 - The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Adventures 01-03)
op my lippe. Holmes buk oor my stoel, sy sak in sy hand. "My liewe Watson," sê die goed onthou stem, "Ek skuld jou \'n duisend verskonings. Ek ...
Billy Paul - Me & Mrs Jones