
歌詞:Dreamer, 歌手:Jewel, 專輯:Lullaby, 時間:2009/05

Don\'t wanna hear no sad songs
I say to the darkness

But it doesn\'t respond
I ask if I sing a new one
Will I always sing alone?
For so long I have known only sorrow
How could I fail to hear?
The sound of all the sleeping hearts
The timid hopefuls
Waiting for a path to be clear
I can hear a sweet melody beneath it all
It says 「Brave Dreamer, dream anew
And you won\'t always dream by yourself
You won\'t dream by yourself
Everybody\'s gonna sing along」

Loneliness has bit my heart
I know its wounded your heart, too

But our longing is our revolution
It\'s gonna bring a world anew
I can hear a sweet melody beneath it all
It says 「Brave Dreamer, dream anew
And you won\'t always dream by yourself
You won\'t dream by yourself
Everybody\'s gonna sing along」

Is it possible?
Is it possible?
Is it possible?
I can hear a sweet melody beneath it all
And it says 「Be brave Dreamer, dream anew
And you won\'t always dream by yourself
No, you won\'t dream by yourself
No, you won\'t dream by yourself
Everybody\'s gonna sing along」

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