
歌詞:Have I Ever Told You, 歌手:Lene Marlin, 專輯:Twist The Truth, 時間:2009/04

sometimes i cann\'t take my eyes of you
afraid that if i will go away you go
i don\'t know what i will do then , don\' t wanna let you go
it took some time but now i know

have i ever told you that you save me
like for all the good things that you gave me
now it\'s time i understand
go ahead, plz check my hair
it never fell this right they stay

i \'m ready to move on
see right through me every turn
that\'s why i just give up the end
can not tell how good it feels
it\'s all because of you
did not seen it fell now i do

have i ever told you that you save me
like for all the good things that you gave me
now it\'s time i understand
go ahead, plz check my hair
it never fell this right they stay

i \'m ready to move on

have i ever told you that you save me
like for all the good things that you gave me
now it\'s time i understand
go ahead, plz check my hair
it never fell this right they stay

i \'m ready to move on

Lene Marlin - Have I ever Told You
From the new album of the greatest singer ever - Lene Marlin! - Sometimes I can\'t take my eyes off you Afraid that if I look away you\'re gone Don ...
Lene Marlin - Have I Ever Told You
~Audio Preview~ Artist: Lene Marlin Song: Have I Ever Told You Album: Twist The Truth
Lene Marlin - Have I Ever Told You
Lene Marlin\'s "Have I Ever Told You" from her album "Twist The Truth" with lyrics.
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