歌詞:Slip Away, 歌手:劉德華, 專輯:unforgettable(忘不了的)(限量珍藏版), 時間:2010/12
作曲:Justin Maurice Kearin.Christopher O\'Young
填詞:Justin Maurice Kearin.Christopher O\'Young
編曲:Adam Lee
Every time I look into the mirror of my mind
I barely recognize the man I see
He used to be a dreamer
He used to be like me
But I can see the sadness in his eyes
And he\'s no longer who I want to be
If I could I would change my yesterday
I would listen to my heart and then today
I\'d see What true love could be and I won\'t let tomorrow
I won\'t let tomorrow ship away
I feel the tide is turning and I\'m stranded out at sea
Hoping for my rescue to arrive
The coulds have all turned grey
And now the waves are crashing in
I thought I could survive but reality has got the better part of me
If I could I would change my yesterday
I would listen to my heart and then today
I\'d see What true love could be and I won\'t let tomorrow
I won\'t let tomorrow Ship away
I\'ll make the promise to myself
That I will live each day just like it was the last time
I\'ll ever see your face again
刘德华《我知女人心》主题曲《Slip Away》(完整版)
Please download the mp3 format : www.mediafire.com 不要让明天溜走Slip away Every time I look into the mirror of my mind /每当我看见镜中的自己I ...
[Sina Entertainment] 刘德华《我知女人心》主题曲曝光
根据好莱坞20亿卖座喜剧改变由刘德华、巩俐"一王一后"联手打造的《我知女人心》即将在2月3日农历大年初一和观众见面,片中刘德华为巩俐演唱一首英文歌《SLIP ...
劉德華Andy Lau《Slip Away》官方MV