歌詞:Madness, 歌手:Zee Avi(季小薇), 專輯:Ghostbird, 時間:2011/08

Madness is the day that has yet to come
My brother says his prayers like he\'s havin\' fun
Both the essence of real and faux
Für Elise is a piece
We already know

Why wear out a beautiful thing
When you don\'t even know what time you\'re in
Vast knowledge comes with a price
A price that you have to pay for twice

Aside from them there is you and I
So let\'s not ruin this big surprise
Yes the stars move in mysterious ways
In ways we should move with them in grace

To deal with what
Bygones want
Both the execution has been done
My brother is doing what he did once
Sayin\' his prayers like he\'s havin\' fun

Madness is the day that has yet to come
My brother says his prayers like he\'s havin\' fun
Both the essence of real and faux
Für Elise is a piece
We already know

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