
歌詞:Hit The Road, Jack, 歌手:雷查爾斯, 專輯:Very Best Of Ray Charles , 時間:2000/03

Lyrics:Percy Mayfield Music:Percy Mayfield

Hit the Road Jack and don\'tcha come back
No more no more no more no more,
Hit the Road Jack and don\'tcha come back
No more
What\'d you say

Old woman old woman, oh you treat me so mean,
You\'re the meanest old woman that I ever have seen,
Well I guess if you say so
I\'ll have to pack my things and go (that\'s right)

Now Baby, listen Baby, don\'t you treat me this-a way

\'Cause I\'ll be back on my feet some day,
Don\'t care if you do, cause it\'s understood,
You got no money, and you just ain\'t no good
Well I guess if you say so
I\'ll have to pack my things and go (that\'s right)

Well ...
Uh, whud jou say?
I didn\'t understand you.
You can\'t mean that ...
Aw now Baby, Please.
What you tryin to do to me!?

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