
歌詞:Afternoon, 歌手:Carla Bruni, 專輯:No Promises, 時間:2007/01

And done with this desire,
With memory to share my bed
And done with this desire,
I\'ll comb my hair in scalloped bands
Beneath my laundered cap,
And watch my cool and fragile hands
And I will have a sprigged gown
And I will have a sprigged gown
With lace to kiss my throat;
I\'ll draw my curtain to the town,
And I\'ll forget the way of tears,
And rock, and stir my tea.
But oh, I wish those blessed years
Were further than they be!

With lace to kiss my throat;
I\'ll draw my curtain to the town,
And I\'ll forget the way of tears,
And done with this desire,
With memory to share my bed
And done with this desire,
I\'ll comb my hair in scalloped bands
I\'ll comb my hair in scalloped bands
And I\'ll forget the way of tears,
I\'ll comb my hair in scalloped bands
And I will have a sprigged gown

Part 4 - Tess of the d\'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy (Chs 24-31)
Part 4. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interacti...
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