
歌詞:Falling Down, 歌手:Scarlett Johansson, 專輯:Anywhere I Lay My Head, 時間:2008/05

I have come 500 miles
Just to see a halo
Come from St. Petersburg
Scarlett and me
Well I open my eyes
I was blind as can be
When you give a man luck
He must fall in the sea
And she wants you
To steal and get caught
For she loves you
For all that you are not
Falling down, falling down
Falling down, falling down

You forget all the roses
Don\'t come around on Sunday
She\'s not gonna choose you
For standing so tall
Go on and take a swig
Of that poison and like it
And don\'t ask
For silverware
Don\'t ask for nothing

Go on and put your ear
To the ground
You know you will be
Hearing that sound
Falling down, falling down
Falling down, falling down

Go on down and see
That wrecking ball
Come swinging on along
Everyone knew
That hotel was a goner
They broke all the windows
They took all the door knobs
And they hauled it away
In a couple of days
Now someone yell timber
And take off your hat
It\'s a lot smaller down
Here on the ground
Falling down, falling down
Falling down, falling down

Scarlett Johansson - Falling Down (Video)
© 2008 WMG Falling Down (Video)
Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson - Relator
© 2009 WMG Relator
Big Star - Thirteen [Alternate Mix]
© 2009 WMG Thirteen [Alternate Mix] ... Rhino Entertainment ...
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