
歌詞:Moon Rabbit, 歌手:伊藤由奈, 專輯:WISH, 時間:2008/03


Somebody is crying tonight.
Can you see the moon in the sky?
Somebody is crying tonight.
I\'m a rabbit. Can you feel my heart?

今夜も屋根の上に 浮かびだすシルエット
konya mo yane no ue ni ukabidasu shiruetto
今晚也在屋頂上 所浮現人影的輪廓

沈んだ太陽は good sleepin\' ima 今耀き出すの
shizunda taiyou wa good sleepin\' ima kagayakidasu no
西沉的太陽 good sleepin\' 現在正閃耀光芒

はぐれた音のカケラを 見つけては
hagureta oto no kakera wo mitsukete wa
找尋著 離去的聲音的碎片

足りない私の体に 今ひとつになって
tarinai watashi no karada ni ima hitotsu ni natte
在有所不足的我的身體中 合而為一

見上げた夜空に full moon 見えたら
miageta yozora ni full moon mietara
抬頭仰望星空 如果看見 full moon

耳を傾けてみて ほら 聴こえるでしょ?
mimi wo katamukete mite hora kikoeru desho?
傾耳恭聽 你聽 你聽見了嗎?

Don\'t look away. I\'m rabbit feeling lonely.
Shining brightly on a full moon night.
Keep feeling it. I\'m a rabbit who feels lonely.
I keep singing to you till the sunrise.

Don\'t look away. I\'m rabbit feeling lonely.
Shining brightly on a full moon night.
Keep feeling it. I\'m a rabbit who feels lonely.
I keep singing to you till the sunrise.
moon night.

Into the moonlight. 24時のミラーボール
Into the moonlight. nijyuuyoji no miraabooru
Into the moonlight.在午夜12點的鏡球

照らされた鼓動 高鳴る lowbeat 響かせて
terasareta kodou takanaru lowbeat hibikasete
照射下的鼓動 高聲呼喊 lowbeat 響撤著

Just cage me now! あなたの声 遠くても catch するための
Just cage me now! anata no koe tookute mo catch suru tame no
Just cage me now!你的聲音 為了在遠方也能Catch

ふたつの大きな耳 ぴんと立てて
futatsu no ookina mimi pinto tatete


待ち焦がれる Give me your love.
machikogareru Give me your love.
心急如焚 Give me your love

月光の兎は 寂しくて強がって
gekkou no usagi wa samishikute tsuyogatte
月夜的兔 寂寞而堅強

ひとり瞼とじて 涙零れないように夢を見るの
hitori mabuta tojite namida koborenai youni yume wo miru no
閉上一隻眼 是為了不要讓淚水決堤而看不清夢想

Don\'t look away. I\'m rabbit feeling lonely.
Shining brightly on a full moon night.
Keep feeling it. I\'m a rabbit who feels lonely.
I keep singing to you till the sunrise.

Don\'t look away. I\'m rabbit feeling lonely.
Shining brightly on a full moon night.
Keep feeling it. I\'m a rabbit who feels lonely.
I keep singing to you till the sunrise.
moon night.

どんな夜でも いつか差し込む太陽(ひかり)
donna yoru demo itsuka sashikomu hikari
不論是怎樣的夜晚 總會有陽光到來

saegirarete iku sora wa

will be rainy with my tears from the moon.

Don\'t look away. I\'m rabbit feeling lonely.
Shining brightly on a full moon night.
Keep feeling it. I\'m a rabbit who feels lonely.
I keep singing to you till the sunrise.

Don\'t look away. I\'m rabbit feeling lonely.
Shining brightly on a full moon night.
Keep feeling it. I\'m a rabbit who feels lonely.
I keep singing to you till the sunrise.
moon night.

Fly away, I\'m dreamin\' rabbit.
One way, I\'m lonely rabbit.
Fly away, I\'m dreamin\' rabbit.
One way
Fly away, I\'m dreamin\' rabbit.
One way, I\'m lonely rabbit.
Fly away, I\'m dreamin\' rabbit.
One way

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