
歌詞:All My Friends Are Insects, 歌手:Weezer, 專輯:Hurley, 時間:2010/09

I have a friend and it\'s an earthworm
It burrows underground deep within the soil
Sometimes when it rains it comes out
And we talk about our day

I have a friend and she\'s a butterfly
She flies from flower to flower drinking sweet nectar
With hundreds of friends
They sleep up in the trees at night

I have a friend and he\'s a dragonfly
He sweeps around all day and hovers in the air
He\'s colorful and wonderful
His wings are strong and powerful

He\'s the dragonfly

These are my friends
Even though they are bugs

They have a big role in our world
Even though they\'re bugs

I have a friend and it\'s an earthworm
I have a friend and she\'s a butterfly
I have a friend and he\'s a dragonfly
They are my friends and yeah they\'re all insects

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